Sunday, July 14, 2013


It's Sunday - one of my favorite days of the week. Since I live in my office/studio it's the only day when there's no staff and the place is all mine.  I can stay in my night gown past 8:00 if I want - what a luxury!

I had a list of things to do but somehow it slipped through my fingers. I didn't come up with new designs, I didn't work on my bone coloring project, and I didn't do any of the many other things on the list.

Instead I got caught up in Lexigrams.  Andrea, the Peace Painter of the Andrea Smith Gallery in Sedona, Arizona ( recently wrote about Lexigrams. She took all the letters in her name and made phrases out of them. She didn't always use all the letters but she didn't double any letter unless there were two in her name.  She said she learned a lot about herself this way.

After cutting little squares to print each letter of my name on, I put them on the desk next to the computer. I thought I would play with them from time to time but in the end I lost an hour in the afternoon and then another. I just couldn't let this go. It had me.

As I reflect on the day, maybe I needed to give my regular creative channels a rest. Maybe this exercised my brain and opened up something new that I won't realize right away. Or maybe the creative spirit just wanted to play hooky.

Here are a few of the Lexigrams I came up with:

Art is Me

Create Human Bliss,
Sister Calm
In Heart Beams
Brush Lines,
Arise Blue Scars

Sister Luna -
Hearts Can Smile
Cherubs Steal....

In Came Art
It Amuses

Atelier Ace!
Muses Can Be Art
Healers Can Be Mutes
Teasers Can Lie

Art is Me
Now it's your turn.  What phrases can you make out of your name? What do these phrases say about you?

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