Monday, April 30, 2012

An Empty Spot

I finished my book on losing my soul mate to Alzheimer's (see the writing tab on my web site) and sent it off to a publisher who asked to read it. The book was a 'have to', not an option, and it more or less wrote itself.

But after two and a half years of passionately writing, I find an empty space now where the project resided in my heart. It was an act of love to write this and helped me remember who Bob was after being his primary care giver for ten years.

I have a rich full life and plenty to do to keep 'World on a String' in motion so this empty spot took me back. I found myself wandering the house/office wondering what I should be doing when before I would have been eking out any amount of time to write.

I started quizzing others on how they deal with this end of an all consuming project. I see now that I just have to let it spin itself out before the new can take hold. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

When I was in the States earlier this year, I saw an inspiring exhibition in LA at the Annenberg Space for Photography. The show was called Digital Darkroom. If you get a chance to see it, it runs until May 28th., otherwise you can see the images and video at: .

Even watching the video again on my computer at home vs. the big screen in the center left me with the thrill of possibilities. I can see combining the various media I use and then bringing them all together digitally. How can I incorporate that into jewelry? Just being exposed to these creative minds and their created objects sets my heart spinning, while the mind boggles.....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14, 2012

I'm finally home and settled in Bali once again and ready to dip into the font of creative juices. After two and a half years writing 'Piece by Piece', the story about losing my soul mate to Alzheimer's, I sent the manuscript off to a publisher who asked to read it. Even though I have plenty on my 'To Do' list, I feel a little lost without the all consuming passion of the book pushing me forward. 

But there is jewelry to design with new beads and ideas garnered in Tucson and inspiration gleaned from exhibitions I was fortunate enough to see. Maybe I just need to sit with the silence and see what develops.....