Monday, October 14, 2013

A Special Order

I’ve been away for almost a month having a real vacation in California with my sister- eating oysters and drinking Prosecco to my heart’s content.  I thought I’d continue to write my blogs but of course vacation mentality grabbed hold and I never seemed to find the inspiration. 

Marigold Buddha with Koi

Home now in lovely Bali, I’m surrounded by a luxurious garden and my rainbow of koi fish flashing about the pond. I arrived to flower petal hearts on the doormat and vases bulging with white roses, chrysanthemums and night jasmine placed around the house. The garden Buddha had been polished and festooned with marigolds for the occasion.  

My staff  has always taken good care of me but still after all these years it’s a surprise to be so welcomed. I love to go away and see new places or revisit old favorites and I love to come home - who wouldn’t with a welcome like this?

In California I’d had a few errands to run before vacation mentality got too strong. One was to mail a very special order. Seven months before I’d received this e-mail:

I hope you can help me! A year ago my husband bought a wedding gift, a goddess necklace. It was a beautifully carved fossilized ivory goddess about 2 and a half inches long. It was a soft brownish color.The beads were lapis, ivory and gold (Id rather have silver). It came unclasped when I was wearing it and I LOST it...I cried for weeks as it was perfectly ME and such a loving gift. I just thought after a YEAR to try to find you! Duh.....I lost it a week after my mother died so I’m all tied up about this whole thing. Could you possibly make me another one?

I love a challenge like this. And to do a special piece just for the person who'll wear it, gets my creativity thrashing, often leaving sleep out of reach.  Sally and I had many exchanges over the seven months it took to recreate her necklace.  I did several carvings trying to get the right color and feel.  I also did a few beading designs, emailing photos to her until we got just the perfect color and composition for the Goddess.

When Sally received her necklace she emailed immediately:

One Beading Idea
OH! I got the goddess this morning! SHE is gorgeous. I like the colors even better than the first one. This goddess is perfect. And you have improved the clasp. This one will NEVER fall off.
This arrived just in time for our Third Anniversary and it was a Wedding gift to me in the first place. Thank you SO MUCH>>>and keep me on your mailing list. please.
LOVE Sally

This is one of the reasons why I love my work. It feels like a gift and an honor to bring joy and beauty into someone’s life. These opportunities don’t come frequently but when they do and when they click, as this one did, I’m ultra-inspired to keep going, keep creating (as though I had a choice) and to be even more thankful for the life I lead. 

Thank you, Sally!

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