Friday, June 21, 2013

The Unexpected

I've been in Bangkok on a family medical emergency that couldn't be dealt with here in Bali, so please excuse my lack of posts.

It's good to be home in the lush garden that surrounds our small comfy house.  I was greeted by flower filled vases in the bedroom, on the verandah, and in the bathroom. I felt so welcomed and nurtured.

And now it's time to get down to creating once again and 'stamping out small fires' that are part and parcel of being self employed.  I look forward to giving voice to the creative spirit with the same anticipation as greeting a lover.

Bangkok's Buddhas and Kuan Yins are always a source of inspiration for me as is the Thai sense of style.  Thais are the Italians of Asia with their refined sense of line and harmony.  Something inside me gets tickled by their house wares and furniture even though it has nothing to do with jewelry.

Arun's Cord with Bear Head
In the amulet market along the Chao Phraya River, inspiration came calling in unexpected ways. One tattooed man, Arun, was selling his handmade knotted cords that were perfect to embellish with a carving, especially for men.  I ordered ten and picked them up the next day.

Arun was thrilled. In gratitude his niece gave my partner and I each an amulet of dusty white ceramic material with a framed seated Buddha image thinly impressed into the surface. She first held them in her hands in ‘Namaste’ fashion, infusing them with prayers for good luck.  

This is a rare occurrence. My experience with sellers in Thailand over the last twenty-six years is that they are there to sell and not connect - probably figuring they'll never see me again so why spend the energy. This small gesture came from the Arun’s nieces' heart and touched ours.

Another man, busy on his cell phone, let me photograph an elephant necklace he was wearing. We carve a lot of elephants but this one had something different about it and really caught my eye as well as my lens.  Of course I'll do something completely different with the idea. Inspiration finds you where it will.

It's good to be home now, surrounded by those I‘m close to, head full of ideas, and once again feeling so much gratitude to have work I love.